Name | Title | Office | |
Nicholas Beaulieu | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
J. Robert Brown, Jr | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Rodney B. Carroll | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
William H. Dietrich | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Thaddeus J. Faleski | Principal Attorney | Houston | |
Matthew Gibson | Principal Attorney | Houston | |
James Hooper | Principal Attorney | Houston | |
Brandt D. Howell | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Ryan D. Jenlink | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Elexis Jones | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Eric Kent | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Andrew Metrailer | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Matthew R. Moscicki | Principal Attorney | Houston | |
Gayatry Nair | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Nick Patel | Principal Attorney | Houston | |
Michael W. Piper | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Jonathan K. Polk | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Grant Rodolph | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Charles J. Rogers | Principal Attorney | Houston | |
Brooks W Taylor | Principal Attorney | Dallas | |
Alan Thiemann | Principal Attorney | Alexandria | |
Thomas L. Warden | Principal Attorney | Houston | |
Gregory L. Maag | Of Counsel | Houston | |
James Ruland | Of Counsel | Alexandria | |
Daniel J. Stanger | Of Counsel | Alexandria | |
Octavio T. DaCosta | Senior Attorney | Dallas | |
Nam Huynh | Senior Attorney | Dallas | |
Michael Konczal | Senior Attorney | Dallas | |
Donna K. Mason | Senior Attorney | Alexandria | |
Adam J. Stegge | Senior Attorney | Dallas | |
Clinton R. Stuart | Senior Attorney | Dallas | |
Sam Williams | Senior Attorney | Alexandria | |
Joseph R. Conte III | Associate Attorney | Dallas | |
Noma Osarumwense | Associate Attorney | Houston | |
Michael Hann | Senior Patent Agent | Dallas | |
Nidhi Bansal | Patent Agent | Dallas | |
Susan Yim | Patent Agent | Dallas | |
Natalie D. Offringa-Beaton, Ph.D. | Senior Technical Advisor | Houston | |
Jerry V. Walker, Ph.D. | Senior Technical Advisor | Dallas | |
Prabath Wanaguru | Technical Advisor | Dallas | |
Christina Jensen | Manager, Trademark Support | Houston | |
Nichole Parsons | Trademark Support Paralegals | Houston | |
Bahia Abdi | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Lorie Bigley | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Colleen Brown | Legal Assistant | Houston | |
Emillie Butz | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Brynn Callahan | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Lori Coale | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Mary Colton | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Sarah Cowger | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Laura Dean | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Ashley DeArmond | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Sarah Feten | Legal Assistant | Alexandria | |
Lesley Forte | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Alison Goehrig | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Hunter Haglund | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Jack Hartley | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Karen Heckel | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Jennifer Hollingsead | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Corinna Joss | Legal Assistant | Houston | |
Teresa Kidd | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Addie Krenzer | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Rami Law | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Laura McBryde | Legal Assistant | Houston | |
Bonnie Nix | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Jerri Pearson | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Angie Ray | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Emily Shirazi | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Elizabeth Skaggs | Legal Assistant | Houston | |
Amy Tremblay | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Serena Walker | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Jennifer Wiebusch | Legal Assistant | Dallas | |
Esther Williams | Legal Assistant | Houston | |
Chris Terrell | Director, Information Technology | Dallas | |
Angela Walters | Director, Business Support/Accounting Manager | Houston | |
Brent Marble | Sr. Financial Analyst | Alexandria | |
Christina Paz | Manager, Anaqua Services | Houston | |
Richard Rojas | Manager, Docketing Services | Dallas | |
Teresa Ryan | Manager, SurePoint Services | Dallas | |
Scot Shield | Manager, Business Support | Dallas | |
Mona Davis | Accounting Administrator | Houston | |
Will Howard | Office Administrator | Houston | |
Stephanie Sodl | Accounts Receivable Coordinator | Dallas | |
Andrea Jorgensen | Billing Coordinator | Dallas | |
Marty Juda | Billing Coordinator | Dallas | |
Marieli Rivera | Billing Coordinator | Houston | |
Diane Torres | Billing Coordinator | Houston | |
Sheri Connelly | Docketing Administrator | Dallas | |
Gloria McDaniel | Docketing Administrator | Dallas | |
Courtney Peavey | Docketing Administrator | Houston | |
George Pickle | Docketing Administrator | Houston | |
Lisa Rogers | Docketing Administrator | Dallas | |
Alex Blair | IT Systems Coordinator | Dallas | |
Jill Seeton | IT Support Coordinator | Dallas |